

thanks + giving

  thanks + giving  

After the thanks - tis the season of simply giving.

"Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love."
~ Hamilton Wright Mabie

xo Janine


laugh everyday

Laugh everyday because it will make you happy. . . so simple. 

xo Janine




Leaves slip from sun dappled trees as their bright colors turn to muted shades.
The silvery days of fall swirl around us as we cling to the barefoot days of summer. 
Relish the moments.

xo Janine    


the one

You are the one you have been looking for - the one to believe in - the one to be true to -     the one to rely on - the one to cherish the dreams - the one to create your life.

BE the one.

xo Janine


simply begin again

  simply begin again  

As we wander along life’s path and our journey becomes other than what we intend, we must pause, breathe, smile and simply begin again. Today - a wish for joyful new beginnings for all those we hold dear in our hearts.

peace + love xo Janine


hello world

  hello world  

Welcome to the first day of spring! Welcome to the first of many things - a new blog - a new journey - a new beginning. I hope the stories, moments and memories, bits and pieces of life will inspire you to live a simply artful life.

peace + love xo Janine